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Welcome to Aquarium Connection! We are an online aquarium and pond store focused on providing a wide selection of water garden accessories and pond care solutions to pond and aquarium-keeping enthusiasts. Shop our high quality products from a wide selection of top industry brands. We are your source for aquariums and stands, filtration, lighting, gravel and substrates, Koi fish food, aeration, maintenance and cleaning, pond cleaning supplies, and more. No matter your level of experience in the hobby, our knowledgeable team can help match you to the right products to help make your dream pond or aquarium come to life!

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Aquarium Connection has all you need for your water garden or pond – from cleaning, to heating, to food. Shop our online store and get great deals today on filtration, food, substrates, heating, lighting, decorations, and more!
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Pump Cleaning and Troubleshooting Guide
Learn how to keep your pumps and powerheads working correctly. Learn how to Troubleshoot before [...]
Reef Tank Cleanup Crews: Snails, Crabs and More
Cleanup Crew. Tank Janitors. Tank Cleaners. Functionally, it means the same thing to every hobbyist…. [...]
Pump and Powerhead Repair Pumps trouble shooting
Pump Cleaning and Troubleshooting Guide
Learn how to keep your pumps and powerheads working correctly. Learn how to Troubleshoot before you attempt a warranty claim
Reef Tanks Saltwater Solution
Reef Tank Cleanup Crews: Snails, Crabs and More
Cleanup Crew. Tank Janitors. Tank Cleaners. Functionally, it means the same thing to every hobbyist…. inverts added to your tank to keep it nice and sparkly. It’s a necessity (Well, not an absolute necessity) Everyone has [...]
Pond Plants
Lotus (Nelumbo lutea, Nelumbo nucifera)
A brief description of the lotus and general care
Potassium Permanganate-Superb disinfectant and parasiticide, from Koi Health and Disease (part 2)
A brief synopsis of Potassium Permanganate-Superb disinfectant and parasiticide, from Koi Health and Disease-Reloaded-2006 by Erik L Johnson, D.V.M
Potassium Permanganate-Superb disinfectant and parasiticide, from Koi Health and Disease (part 1)
A brief synopsis of Potassium Permanganate-Superb disinfectant and parasiticide, from Koi Health and Disease-Reloaded-2006 by Erik L Johnson, D.V.M
Made in the Shade, A Synopsis
A brief synopsis of the article Made in the Shade by Kelly Billing and Zac DeGarmeaux from Pond Trade magazine.
Parrot’s Feather: A Thriving Pond Addition
Problems with algae? Parrot's feather can help!
Ammonia – Quick Reference
Ammonia – Quick Reference Ammonia (NH3) is produced by organic waste, decaying plant and animal matter and is deadly to aquatic life. Ammonia is very toxic and is not tolerated at any level! Common causes of [...]
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Aquarium Connection
6410 Papermill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
Aquarium Connection retail showroom is located at Aquarium in Knoxville, TN.