12. Bleaching (Cleaning) Synthetic Coral and Decorations Safely

Method 1

1. Remove coral pieces from the aquarium. Check to ensure that no fish are hiding in the coral.

2. Place coral in a plastic container filled with tap water to cover pieces completely. Turn coral repeatedly to release any trapped air bubbles.

3. Add one part chlorine bleach (non-fragrance type) to five parts water. Let coral soak until clean (1-2 hours). If coral is still dirty, add more bleach to strengthen the solution.

4. Remove coral from bleach solution, discard water. Rinse coral thoroughly under running tap water.

5. Repeat Step 2.
6. Add 1 capful or 5ml of AquaLife Dechlorit per 5 gallons of tap water to the coral container. Turn coral every 15 minutes for one hour to loosen trapped air and expose all surfaces to the dechlorinating solution.

7. Remove coral and let air dry for 3 to 4 hours before returning it to the aquarium.

Method 2

1. Follow steps 1-5 above.

2. Add an airline with an airstone from an air pump to the bottom of the container.

3. Add 1 capful or 5ml of AquaLife Complete or AquaLife DeChlorit per 5 gallons of tap water to the coral container. Turn coral every 15 minutes for one hour to loosen trapped air and expose all surfaces to the dechlorinating solution. Use chlorine test kit to ensure complete neutralization of the bleach using Chlorine Test Kit.

4. Run the air pump until the water does not read on a Chlorine Test Kit. The coral is then ready to put back into the aquarium.