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Tubing 1/4″ IDx1/2″od 1/8″ wall
Tubing 3/4″ Per FT Vincon 3/4″ ID 1″ OD Clear
Tubing 3/8″ Per FT Vincon 3/8″ ID 1/2″ OD Clear
Tubing 9/16″ Per FT Vincon 9/16″ ID 3/4″ OD Clear
Tubing Norprene Per Ft Blk. Ozone, CO2, & Acid Safe Black
Typhoon Aeration Kit, Professional for 12,000 Gallon Pond
Typhoon Aeration Kit, Professional for 6,000 Gallon Pond
Ultima II Cyclonic Filter 4000 2 Valve
Underlay Felt for Pond Liners 10’x15′ Roll
Union Sch 40 1″ SxS
Union Sch 40 1″ TxT
Union Sch 40 1-1/2″ SxS