Cube Medium Aquos Class Aqua-fuge 35-75 Gallons
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Watch VideosCelebrate Creativity with ESHOPPS, AQUA-FUGE which features a NEW Creative & Innovative design. Featuring ESHOPPS unique Dual Water Channel Design (ECD). AQUA-FUGE utilizes two separate water flow channels. One for the Refugium and the other to the Protein Skimmer compartment. This unique design enables the water to travel through each compartment separately after entering the sump. The advantage of having two separate water channels is the dissolved organic waste can be removed via protein skimming. Further, having a separate Refugium compartment provides an area for supplemental biological filtration. Placing, (BIO-LUX or Macro Algae’s) within the Refugium compartment will facilitate the removal of un-wanted nutrients; such as, (Nitrates and Phosphates). AQUA-FUGE is an excellent choice for the Hobbyist Level aquarist.
Dual Intake
Dimensions: 18x18x16 inches
Skimmer Compartment: 7.5×11 inches
Refugium Compartment: 9×11 inches
Return Compartment: 7.5×5 inches
Tank Usage: 35-75g
Filter Socks: Rectangular
Total Water: 36
Max Sump Flow Rate: 1800gph
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